Love is not about finding the right person,but creating the right relationship.
It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning,
but how much love you build till the end…..
alahaii....yang tidak ditunggu dan dinnti itu dtg juga.slps 9 bulan ditambah dgn 10 nak msuk 11 bulan perginya, ia dtg kmbali...huhuh...aku dah lama lupa pd snsasi dan perasaan itu..sdikit tak slsa rs sb dah lama sgt ia pergi..hampir terlupa aku perasaan itu... aku menanti dgn cuak smda stok ebm ku menurun spt kata2 other mommies...but stkt ni Alhamdulillah....nmpknye msih maintain...aku doa spya susu ku trus maintain agar aku dpt truskan BF till 2yrs...
smlm MIL aku btnya satu ayat taktahn padaku yang buat ku ter zappp skjap..." smpi bila nak bg susu bdan? tak mau cmpur lgi?cukup ke susu tu ?"
aku dgn tnang mjawab " sampai dua tahun mama,InsyAllah cukup..dia (zaffran) pun dah mkn kan...mnum pun bnyak, mkn pun bnyak...InsyAllah ckup smpi dua tahun.." harap2 nye, soklan ini tidak ditanya lagi pd aku sb aku trasa sdih sb trasa aku mcm tak mmpu nak Bf anak aku till 2thun je....if Ummi blh, Jen boleh smpi 3thun, aku lagi la boleh..kan kan kan???
aku sgt rs puas ati n best lunch aku kuar g tmn el hntr kete ke workshop.then kitrg g kb..aku g kwsp utk amik pnyata smpnn, g tbg hji smpn duit, then el g psr mpkb cri tdg kwen...merata cri tdg, last2 tjmpa dgn tdg d kdi kak mah..kdi yg sllu ku borong tdg2 ku..kdi 275..klo nk shopping tdg, pg la kdi 275 kata kwn yah penang..haha..msti dpt murah....lps bli tdg psnn teh, n cri bju kaftan lang, aku sj la jln cr blouse lbuh...dah bnyk kdi pg..last2 tjumpa kdi ni..mula aku je yg nk mblinyer...plih2 saiz n kaler, last2 el pun nk gaks...skli saiz ader 1 je yg 46..48 bnyk la..berbut2 kitrg dua nk bju yg sama..soh cri kaler lain, dua2 tknk...bkn tk cntik kler lain, but yg pink tu mmg cntik...aku n el plak, mmg pmnat pink esp el.taste kitrg in things sume balah la kitrg kat kdi tuh...last2 aku amik saiz 48..agk bsau ler..i9nche Zulffi msti suker..huhu..but el kt nnti nk soh mak dia alter kn ksi kcik...tawar pnyer tawar dpt la murah kira ok la..jln punyer jlan..skli lg jmpa dress yg sleeveless (syhhh)kain cotton..sjuk je pki d rmh esp pns2 ni...kitrg nk kler yg sma..mrh hitam..berebut lg...nsib ader lgi..huhu...pnt n bis duit but so glad dpt spend ms ngan el..lps ni dia dah kwen dah lain..but aku hrp dia akn ttp sama mcm dulu..huhu...
Now, I have to start baby proofing my house...OMG!!! that little man is soooo active...he likes to play with anytg in the house except his toys n books...he lost interest in those things now..well, he will play with it if I stay with him..but once Im off to the kitchen or tidying up the house, that little man will follow me around...nowadays his clothes' basket is his fave, then his toiletries basket..the safety gates at the kitchen n stairs are his place to swing like a monkey...
last night he was quite funny..i was in the kitchen n he was outside..he wanted to come into the kitchen to play with the onion, potatoes etc...but as the gate was locked, he pushed his leg between the bars as far as he can n try to see whether he can fit into it or not..hahaha..then when it failed, he reached his hands n arms btween the bars n tried to squeeze his funny...when he failed, he reached btween n grab anytg that he can reach n play with it..he pushed the "tong beras", he throw my slippers.he grab the rug...when he was bored, he went n played with other things..dushh
this morning, he woke up early n started to disrupt the house....I was cooking his meal..he was playing with his basket when all was I look in, he was playing with "bedak sejuk"which he had already crushed to dust..its all over his clothes, n leg, n hands...when I asked him what is he playing with, he just smiles...n rub the bedak to his boy!!! he wants anytg that he knows he shouldnt play with...huhuhu..i dont know how opah is gonna stand these 2days weeknd as opah's house is soo full of thgs for the Ayah Jie's wedding ur next bday zaffran....unlike our house, opah;s house doesnt hv gate into the alllll of us has to follow u around or u will pull opah's flowers. slam opah's vase...mati la ibu nk gnti nnti...huhuu...
anyway, its time to child proof ur house ..
some tips for that ..
i got some tips from parenting weeklybout child proofing my house
Crawl around your house and determine which locations and objects might be dangerous to your baby. What will your baby be able to reach as he grows? What will she be able to get into, pull down, put in her mouth, and climb into and onto?- great buat gaks nih...aku rs sumer dia boleh buat...
Apply plugs or safety covers in all electrical outlets - dia sgt suke main dgn plug..suker trik2 plug esp plug machine...riso kn short jer
Install latches on all cabinets and drawers within baby's reach and make sure that all knobs, pulls, and knockers are secure and can't be pulled off. - ini pun harus ku buat sb si knit itu suka buka ttp anytg yg boleh buka...esp kbinet pggn mgkuk ku..lst wekk dia dah amik jag kristal ku dan hmpuk..nsib tk pcah..huhuhu anakku cri d littlewhiz ni...
Wind up all dangling cords, wiring, and tassels. Move electrical cords and wiring behind furniture where they cannot be reached.- tp buknnyer dia tk pndi tarik..wayar astro abis dia tarik...
Install stove knob covers, stove top protectors, and oven locks if necessary.- oh ku tkde ini...
Remove all heavy, small, breakable, or valuable objects that may be toppled off tabletops; and any space heaters, fans, or other hazards that can be reached.- huhu...dah tkde dah bnda2 sng pch ni..abis smpn...
Move houseplants out of reach.- kaktus di tepi tgkap itu, tk lm lg kn ubah lerrr...
Anchor all bookcases, shelves, dressers, and floor lamps to walls.- rumah sewa boleh ker?tggu rmh sndri almari buku ku abis ditarik nyer sume buku2..huhuh
Use corner covers to pad sharp edges on furniture, railings, etc.- stkt ni tkde lg...
Use door stops to prevent open doors from slamming shut on your baby.- hmm..kna cri juga ni..
Install and use locks or hook-and-eye sets onto doors so your baby can't get into the pantry, bathroom, basement, or other rooms. Sliding door locks are also available.- haa..ini biliik air....disebbkn kayu umah ku itu sgt kras, so tk boleh nk paku kayu tuh.ibuku tlh mgikatkn tali di pntu utk diikat ttp pntu itu ke paip mesin bsuh..huhu.tq umiii..
Install gates to block access to stairways, fireplaces, and all other hazards. Some gates can be installed without drilling holes in walls or door jams.- mmg pun..dah buat..2 lg gats...nk bli utk tgga atas laks..
Dump out any buckets containing water and remove or block access to any other standing water such as toilets and fish tanks. Infants can drown in as little as two inches of water, and according to the CPSC, fifty young children drown every year in buckets containing water used for mopping floors and other household chores. Install a banister guard or safety net to a balcony or railing that is not child-safe. - ini abhnyer..suke sgt biar air pnuh dlm bldi..bahya larat nak ghoyak dah....
Install window guards, which will prevent low windows from opening more than six inches.- ohoho....harus buat ni...tgkap bilik...
Make sure that all your baby equipment and toys meet current safety standards.
Stock your house with first aid supplies. Ask your doctor what he or she recommends you include for your baby.- ader tsmpn kms....
Install smoke detectors in the hallway near every bedroom and one near the kitchen. Check them monthly to be sure they're working properly and change the batteries every six months. A working smoke detector cuts the chances of dying in a fire in half.- owhh tkde lg ni...nnti la umah bru nnti...
Have your home checked for lead and asbestos.- ader ke bnda ni lg?
Test your water. Depending on the results, consider installing a purifier or talk to your doctor about sterilizing your baby's bottles and pacifiers.
Store cosmetics, perfumes, hair care products, vitamins, and medicines in locked cabinets and drawers. Install toilet latches so your baby cannot lift the lid and do not use or store any electrical appliance near the bathtub or sink. In the bathtub, install childproof knob covers, non-skid appliqués or a rubber bath mat, and a soft spout cover on the spigot.
Keep hot containers and drinks out of your baby's reach and unplug countertop appliances after use. Install locks on all low cabinets and drawers, as well as on the refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, and trash compactor. When cooking always turn pot handles towards the back of the stove, and keep knives, sharp utensils, and cleaning products out of your baby's reach. Make sure your baby's high chair safety belt and tray are in working condition and you secure your baby in the chair at every meal and snack.
so hope the tips can help the mommies out there too...more info cek the link .tq parenting weekly....
Kalau nak anak jadi pandai dan berjaya (insyaAllah), then do these:
1. Get parents' blessing before getting married.
2. Get grandparents blessing before getting married.
3. Talk to intelligent people who have good advice to give (eg professors, imam, tok2 guru, etc) 4. Listen to good things, don't listen to bad things.
5. Be positive, not negative.
6. Do not have any debts before marriage.
7. Get married the cheapest way.
8. Have children spaced at 3 years apart.
9. Focus on bringing up each child.
10. Talk to the child 24 hours unless the child is asleep.
11. Always touch, stroke or caress the child when you speak to the child, esp the head region.
12. Don't raise your voice when you reprimand the child (telling what is wrong will suffice).
13. Don't beat up the child.
14. Let the child explore the environment; just keep an eye on the child.
15. Never let the child fall down and avoid all falls that involve the head or banging the head
.16. Don't let the child shout or cry too long; let him/her learn to say things or convey desires.
17. Listen to the child speak and then say smthg, don't butt in as it scares the child.
18. Let the child write to you and not the other way; you only respond as this is what the child expects. Make your response good and positive.
19. Talk/reprimand the child only after food when the child is full, not when she/he is hungry or waiting for food.
20. Don't laugh at the child but let the child laugh at his/her own mistakes. Correct the child in the simplest way.
21. Don't ask the child what he has done for the day but go through what he/she has done (look at the work produced and comment. Never say the work is bad, no good, sub-std, etc. Always use positive psychology.
22. Respect the child and his/her hidden potentials which only Allah knows. Allah knows all benda2 ghaib.
23. Pray to Allah that he will give His "nur" to the child, "nur" from all angles and read the other doas (refer al-Quran).
Overall:The intelligent child is actually a blessed child. You don't need money to create intelligent children. Doa and positive attitude are best (these are free).
From Scientific American:
People do differ in intelligence, talent and ability. And yet research is converging on the conclusion that great accomplishment, and even what we call genius, is typically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from a gift. Mozart, Edison, Curie, Darwin and Cézanne were not simply born with talent; they cultivated it through tremendous and sustained effort. Similarly, hard work and discipline contribute much more to school achievement than IQ does.
zaffran loves red catches his eyes even when he was still we find out?i showed him aflash card of red n blue n green n yellow..he always take the red one..then the elmo from Anty Jel's house, then at Parkson gurney Plaza..he prefer red than other color... then when I bought Sassy vehicle on the go, it has a small firetruck which is red..he loves it, prefer it than other last Thursday i bought a 2ndhand firetruck from is still in good cndition n it is electronic n has sound..zaffran was preparing to cry as I want to go to the kitchen to fridge his EBM..but when he saw the truck from the bag, he was so excited n keep playing with it for the whole one hour..I have time to finish my novel that evening bfore had to cook dinner...LOL Tq firetruck..hehehhe
PS : please ignore all the sepah2 tuh on the background...
wif abang Farish n danish...tgok bukan main lg naik kete org zaffran tu...
ibuuu, best la basikal ni...
tapi kaki saya tak smpi la....nak kayuh or tolak pun takle...
ibu, saya nak satu boleh?????
ha,kamu kecek la kat wan kamu mnta beskal satu..hehehe
ps; i think i need to buy him a tricycle in a few weeks..nowadays, he tend to ' tahan' org yg lalu dpn rmh n naikmain dgn org pnyer beskal..yg buat aku rs sian sgt...bila ltk ats beskal tuh, dia pnyer la xcited..siap jerit2 lg...sian la plak aku..then car, dia suke tricycle..mgikut abhnyer kot gile motor....
post ini ditulis utk mjawab persoalan pelawat blog ini...hehe
hari ni aku sdh mbuat kptsn utk tidak pergi ke korea..msti rmi kata alaaa.ruginyer...kan fully sponsoed bla bla...
khmis lps rep com yang tlibat call aku..dia bg tau..the cnference yg aku nak pg tuh is Oceanic Childhod Neurology Conf. n I need to pay for the registration fee utk msuk cnference tu..while flght sume is sponsored by them...aku cek almost 1K aku kena byr utk cnfrence tuh which buat aku, agak kurengg skit..I dont mind if the cnfrence is bout bnda yg akan benefit ilmu atau keje aku,but it just one topic aje yg bkaitan..n the rest of 3 days stuck dgar bnd yg aku tak phm...n them, yg aku tak phm..eventhough the progrm is around 3 more weeks. the rep even tak tahu schedulenye camana..naik flgt apa, kul brpa, dok mana..n dia even xthu yg Daegu which according to abang is 300 km from seoul n kena naik bas dr airport utk ke sana...dia ingt seoul aje...aku jd cuak utk if keje2 last minit ni aku mmg tak bkenan..tkut nnti pg2 sana, strnded ke hapa kat sana, bru nak tcangak2..hmm aku sgguh tak bkenan kje last minit..
so sb itu aku mendecidekan diri pyh pg...mmg mcm rugi kan ..but drpd aku buang duit aku utk bnda2 yg aku tak mnat, so biarla aku pg thun dpn dgn hjra, el, n lang..InsyAllah...Abg!!! we are coming next spring..hehehee insyAllah..
got the date already for the korea conference..evrtg is fully sponsored...from flght to 1st excited nak pg since abang ada kat sana..but cari2 dlm web, abg kata tmpt tu almost 3jam dr seoul..sgt jauh naik bas..huhuh...then of cos la takde hrpn nak crash kat umah abg n soh dia babysit Mzr..if hotel msti la kn share kan ngan org lain from msia...then zaffran sapa nak sit?tggalkan anakku??ohoho,..susu ku tak ckup....hmmm..n then 13th jun tu kndri Jiji, adik ipar aku..hmmm...
excited nak g but...tah.bila tgok jdual conference takdela suma bout keto diet..bnda2 yg kait ngan Dr je...mcm tak kait ngan aku..nak cri mkn msti payah since abg pun takde n taktahu mana tmpt mkn yg best kat situ..hmmm..mkn maggi?no no no...huhu
dgn serabut pk psl umah, then psl korea ni..dilema nak p ke tak...
zaffran skrg sudah pndi macam kelaku...sudah pndi menangis hiba tak berlagu, sudah pndi bermain dgn air mata dan juga sudah pndai mengaju ( merajuk ). umminya kata, tak boleh kena tggal lgsg atau bila kena tgur, atau org amik brg di tgnnya, trus menangis smbil meleleh2 airmata mcm sdih sgt aja...smlm , zaffran pertama kali kena marah dgn nya?ms amik dia dkt nurseri, susu yang nak bw bekal utk mnum dlm kete, dia amik dr tgn aku n baling ke lantai..abis tertumpah almost stgh botol...aku trus kata " Zaffran!(tanpa menaikkan suara)zaffran tahu tak susu tu macamana susah ibu nak pam nak dptkan bekal cukup utk zaffran mnum?zaffran main buang2 aja...ibu tak pernah nak marah zaffran sblm ni kalo zaffran mcm2 perangai, tapi kalau bab buang2 mknn esp susu, mmg ibu nak marah..ibu tak suka bazir....sian tau kat ibu nak pam susu kat zaffran, zaffran buang2 aja..nnti atas kete nangis sb susu tak ckup smntra nak smpi rmh..salah siapa?zaffran juga..sbnya, zaffran buang susu.. "
dia trus, kluarkan suara mcm nangis tp skjap aje..tak smpi 30 saat pun...tak kuar air mata pun..konon2 sdih la sb kena marah...pastu, dah ok je..lawak pun ada gak ms tuh...lps tu aku kata la " membazir tu kawan Syaitan..Allah tak suka org bazir2 ni..esp maknn n susu... org lain takde pun susu ibu dia mcm ibu bg takmau buang2 lgi ok..." dia snyum smbil ckp apa tah ..aku anggap dia kata "sori ibu...tak buat lagi..." hehehe
aku nak bw satu isu yg pada aku, sgt mengherankan...aku jg paeds ward, so sllu bjmpa dgn ibu2 yang bfeed anaknya...yg sgt mgherankan aku, bila nak bfeednya anak, sllu B* tu mmg akan diexposekan without malu2 ke apa...kalo tnjuk skit2 takpe gak, ni kdg2 smpi nmpk almost atau kesemuanya skli...aku sgt tak phm kenapa selmba sgt...dlm wad tu, bkn semuanya perempuan..ada dktr laki, ada saudara mara, ayah patient lain, ada attenden knapa dgn slambanya menunjukkan yang tak perlu...pd aku, tirai ada utk guna ttp katil kalo nak bfeed anak...gunakanla..baju, tdg, kain pun ada utk guna ttp...mgkin ibu2 ni tak xpose dgn nursing wear or shawl ke apa..but kain lain kan ada utk ttp?aku sgt heran..
kdg2 tgok ibu2 mnyusu dkt stsyen bas or tmpt awam, dgn selambanya tnpa cover..n pnah ada skli tu aku tgok, ibu tu tgh mnyusu,,.when suddnly bas dtg trus bkejar nak naik bas, dgn anak tgh isap susu, n baju spruh terbuka n nmpk perut ..aku yg tgok malu..mmg tkde org menegur, but org pndg2 n aku kagum sb ibu2 ni tetap tegar nak susukan anak wpun di tmpt awam...cuma, caranya yang perlu diperbetulkan kot..
penah ada satu insiden, aku bw student diet lelaki utk pg tgok pt di wad aku..smpi dkt satu katil pt yang kitrg nak tgok, ibunya tido, anak nya juga tertido..while the B* is fully exposed to the whole world...well, maybe ibunya tettido smbil nyusukan anak , but, cover2 skit la kan...'jenera' (lena) sgt tido smpi tak sedar gamaknya yang semua org nmpk...katilnya plak dahla mmg laluan utama wad...student llki aku tdi tersipu2 malu..(dia plak malu...) aku dlm hati lagi malu ms tu...(tp ms tu blum ada anak..hehehe..) so aku pun, trus bw g tgok pt lain..bkn apa..aku segan...
aku plik btul la..kalo ms blum kwen, blum ada anak, bkn main menjga lagi aurat, menutup apa yg perlu adakah bila adanya ank itu lesen utk tak menutup apa yang perlu ditutp?aku sgt tak phm knpa jd camni..tak de rs malu ke atau pd diorg bnda tu biasa aja?hmm..n suami2 plak, tgok aje tnpa bkata apa2...bagi plak org lain tgok istrinya camtu...kalo zulffi, bising dia, ms aku dkt wad lps bslin tu, siap tak buka lgsir kitrg sb dok nak nyusu anak(tak pndi sgt lgi kan time tu, lama bru sdah) ..siap misi tgur lgi soh buka lgsir tkut jd papa..hehehe...
hmm...tak phm sgguh aku..adakah ini sama dgn isu, pakai tdg bila kluar adalah wajib, but kluar dpn rmh tak perlu pakai tdg??
(maaf sekiranya isu ni mnyentuh hati sesiapa but aku bckp psl perihal yang sring tjdi di skllg kita..apa2 pun, aurat tetap aurat..perlu dijaga, perlu dipelihara...matlamat tidak pernah menghalalkan cara..apapun, pkir pkir kan...)
aku jarang nak jauh hati atau kecil hati dgn org...tapi once aku jauh hati, hmm...... apa yg sbb aku sllu jauh hati?hmm..sllunya psal bab berjanji dgn aku..aku jnis aku dah jnji aku akan cuba tunaikan camana kalau org ambil ringan atau tak tunaikan jnji tu, aku rs sdih sgt dan jauh hati sgt...esp bila ia disulami dgn ayat2 power...
n aku tgh jauh hati skrg...aku tgh sdih sgt...bnda kcik tp aku tak sgka nak jd camtu...aku tk sgka dia akan ckp cmtu pd feels like a slap to my face..dia closest fren aku.. =( dr jauh hati, kini menjadi kecik hati..huhuh..
people say its give n take in a relationship..I know i will forget bout it sumday, but rite now...aku sgtt sdih dan jauh hati...
arini aku nak kongsi sdikit petu2 doa kasih sayang...amalkan smbil memasak, baca dan tiupkan dalam msakan yang dimasak..mudah2an diberkati Allah sllu khidupan dan ikatan suami isteri dan anak2..amin...
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Jika benar kamu mengasihi Allah maka ikutilah daku, nescaya Allah mengasihi kamu serta mengampunkan dosa-dosa kamu dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani. (31)
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan) dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu (lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan) dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan). (200)
Sekiranya Kami turunkan Al-Quran ini ke atas sebuah gunung, nescaya engkau melihat gunung itu khusyuk serta pecah belah kerana takut kepada Allah dan (ingatlah), misal-misal perbandingan ini Kami kemukakan kepada umat manusia, supaya mereka memikirkannya. (21)
Allah Maha Lembut tadbirNya (serta melimpah-limpah kebaikan dan belas kasihanNya) kepada hamba-hambaNya; Dia memberi rezeki kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut peraturan yang telah ditetapkan) dan Dialah Yang Maha Kuat, lagi Maha Kuasa. (19)
Taa Haa. (1) Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Quran kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) supaya engkau menanggung kesusahan. (2) Hanya untuk menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang takut melanggar perintah Allah (3) (Al-Quran) diturunkan dari (Tuhan) yang menciptakan bumi dan langit yang tinggi. (4) Iaitu (Allah) Ar-Rahman, yang bersemayam di atas Arasy. (5) Dialah jua yang memiliki segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi serta yang ada di antara keduanya dan juga yang ada di bawah tanah basah di perut bumi. (6)
dan uncle Yazid..diorg kwn baik ibu dan abah dr matriks lagi...dah lama tak jumpa diorg...Aliya, lahirnya 2mgu slps zaffran lahir..Aliya sgt chomel but Aliya mula2 tak mau dkt orang... Lihat!! Zaffran sbuk nak berkwan nak ajak main..ttpi Aliya taknak..tak knal..zaffran siap pluk bahu lagi.... tapi lama2 diorg dah main sama2... siap tkar mainan lagi... Aliya main Zaffran pnya, Zaffran gigit Aliya pnya toys... siap duduk sblh seblh lagi... dan ini plak, sesi memunggah beg Aliya... Sorg main wipe, sorg main bedak..tgok muka Aliya,mcm pki tepung gomak.. tapi ttp chomel... Main sama2, tidur pun sama....chomel ajeeee
PS: syok je tgok bdk main sama...kiut miut tgok betapa galaknya zaffran....heheh
Ini zaffran dan Humaira..panggilnya Checha..Checha dan Zaffran lahir sama hari di USM juga..pd 1 Rejab 1429H, 4 Julai 2008. ibu Checha, Dr Susi, doc dr Indonesia dtg buat mster di USM..Checha dan Zaffran selalu berjumpa petg2 bila ibu Zaffran bw jalan, dan bibik Checha bw Checha jalan sb ibu Zaffran dan Ibu Checha duduk dkt perumahan Usains ...
pada suatu petang, Zaffran yang bru pndi berjalan bertmbung dgn Checha dalam stroller merahnya di bawah pokok..mereka bersembang cara budak2 sembang..(tak phm apa..hahaha)
ini mgkin ayat mereka..=)
Zaffran :Hai Checha..lama tak jumpa..tgok saya dah boleh jalan dah..cantiklan rmbut awak.. Checha :hai Zaffran..iyer ke?saya belum boleh jalan..kena tolak dlm stroller...rmbut awak pun cantik juga..lebattt...
Lihat!ini caranya ikat anak dlm pouch... Ha!! kan dah siap..kejap je... betulkan kat atas bahu, lilitkan sikit bg kemas kalo nak dukung belakang. tarik dan pusingkan aja...senang je... ha!!kan selesa anak tu... jalan je ke mana2..selesa kan...
Ha!!ni OA dtg nak TCA dgn paeds..follow up lps discharge.mak Che Baha tgh nak tkar pampers aku ckp ngan misi aku nak tgkap gmbr anak dia pki sling..
so misi pun pnggil, aku pun ckp aku nak tgkap gmbr dia,,n nak belaja camana dia ikat dia pun tunjuk aje..sng ja katanya..hahaha..aku n SN tgok kagum giler...hehehe.. so aku pun snap aje guna kamera nokia ku itu..boleh la.... kan...hehe..