malay is always associated with bersopan santun, berbudi bahasa bla bla bla...but lately I found that some Malay salesperson or rep are sooo Crappy...(my fave word rite now - this is all Shabyna's influence..hahaha) they are rude, tak reti beradab sopan, kuang ajar, tak reti ckp elok2....
I was just discussing this with Lyna the day before when this crappy incident happned to me yesterday...I bought Online ticket to KL for Dila's wed in July..this MH airline have promotion I bought for me 1st as Zulffi is not making any decision to go or not..then he said he wanna when I tried to by for him, there is no other seat left for the promotion I planned to buy the eralier time ticket for him, he have to wait for me at KLIA till 1230 when my flight I called the MH airlines to ask whther I can cancelled the ticket so I can bought anothr ticket the same with my husbnd time as I cant chnge the booking time...
I had to wait for about 30 nutes to get tru the line, then when I had get tru, that man was actually speaking so low(meaning I cant really heard him)n with the crappy signal Im getting in my office nowadays, makes it worse...I told him if I want to cancel my ticket, whther any chrges would chrged to me?he said I said I want to cancel the ticket then..then I asked him whther MH would send me an email noticing me that I have cancelled the filght or not...n just to cnfirm whther the pymnet would be chrged to my card or I cant really hear him, he was quite rude n pissed off when he said : Puan, saya dah ulang banyak kali..puan dgr ke tak ni....puan dgr elok2 ya...
aku: Whatttt!!!!!!!...aku kata" sori sy tak dgr awak ckp tadi..awak ckp slow sgt....
dia kata : td kata tak dgr pulakkk....
I was sooooooooo Pissed off was the correct words i think...
so aku pun start la speaking sb aku dah bngg..(I have this tendency to speak up in English when Im mad or Pissed off..weird trait..huhu)
I said " I want to know whther the payment would be chrged to my card or not if I cancelled...
he said : awak dah bayar, kita amik duit awak dah, so kita takkan pulangkan duit awak tu balik..paham???
so I said : Ok then, if that so, I dont want to cancel the ticket...dont cancel the ticket...why should I cancelled the ticket if there is no refund...
then I asked his name, he was reluctant to tell asked anther time..he said his name is Fa***...and then he slow down his tone a bit...after that I strted to wind down the cnversation...then that man say all his bla bla bla..tq for flying with M** airlines..we hope u have a nice day..bla bla bla....what a can I have a nice day after talking to himm...
this is the 2nd time I have this kind of bad xperience with the airlines...I never had this kind of thing with Air***a before , countless of time I travel with them.,.evnthough the flght attndent wear shorter skirt n so sexy but the sales rep or whatever they are called are much more courteous...
If u think, the MH airlines shouldnt have that kind of attitude...with the recession, people are flying lesser n prefer to pay for cheaper price, they should be more courteous so people will fly with them more than the other airlines....
my second bos in command said, no wonder they are paid such low salary (the tele rep people)bcos of their education level n true....the so called malaysian hospitality..duhhh...what a crapp....
the other incidnt I have lately was the house broker..he just showed us the land where the house would be built, he told us the price, then he asked us to bring 2k deposit to his friend office if u decide to buy the house..we really like the place but we wanted to know the developer company..he refused to tell us when we asked him countles of time...he just told us to bring the 2k 1st then he will bring us to his friend office then we talked later..I said to him, we want to discuss first the details, spec of the house bla bla bfore giving the deposit..if we agree then we will pay for the deposit..then he was so rude my smsing me saying " kalo tak cnfirm beli tak pyh pgi opis..buang masa saya je..dah tahu luas tanah, rmh, hrga dah money no talk...buang masa je..."
kitrg was like : what the heck??? i smsed him saying, we wanted to discuss about the details n plan of the house 1st bfore making any decisions as we have shortlisted his house as one of our potential house to buy..
he then smsed me saying : cerewet sangat..tak penah jmpa pebli cerewet mcm awak...dah bg hrga murah 240K pun tak nak lgi..pergila cari rmh yg lbih murah..."
then I sms him saying : EN DOT DOT DOT..BELI UMAH NI BKN MCM BELI SAYUR..MAIN AMIK AJE...TAKPELA KALAU DAH KECEK GITU..TIMA KASIH JE LA YA!!!" nak beli rmh dia buat n ckp camtuh plak....kalo ko tu dah kaya sgt tak pyh la nak jual rmh lgi....lntak la..biar mahal rezki dia...bila ckp dgn developer cha ya nun alif sng je n ckp elok2..pndi je diorg jaga mlayu..yang islam tp....mcm apa lgi tah..malu aku sbgi org melayu islam jmpa org cam tuh...same wif kes shida tuh...sian dia..takle ke org ckp elok2...bkn pyh pun nak elok2 kan..bkn kena byr pun..berat sgt mulut agaknye...hmpesss..