Tuesday, March 18, 2008

24 weeks n counting...

This is day number 174 and you're 24 weeks pregnant!You have 106 days or 15 weeks left, and are 62.1% of the way there.Baby's age since conception is 160 days or 22 weeks. Your baby weighs about 1.2 pounds and is about 8.4 inches from crown to rump. His or her lungs have started secreting surfactant, the substance that keeps the moist, interior surface of the lungs from sticking together; and he or she is practicing breathing. Your baby's eyes are also watching for light and its ears are listening to your heart beat and your stomach growl.

hmmm...sume changes that I have seen in my body..my wt as usual keep on increasing.my waistline getting wider, my clothes getting fitter n tighter.hmpppp...wat more should i say...today was my 6th mnth ANC...I was quite excited to see the dr as I was hoping to scan my baby but was quite disappointed when the dr said to wait till next mnth...zulffi had came just for the scan..i was so crushed then..i was hoping to see the baby...hnmmm..Im planning to have the baby scan at a private clinic..just for the sake of seeing the baby...I was hoping to be able to see the baby's gender..so maybe we can plan what color n clothes to buy for the baby..

today, my baby was quite active since early morning.n when the doctor checked for the heartbeat, the baby actually kicked me...i was laughing...naughty boy/girl...maybe he/she was responding to my sound or anxiousness..hehehe...i couldnt wait for the baby to come..our life would sure change...in lots of ways..but it will be more meaningful n brighter with zulffi n the baby...

zulffi n i had been planning what to buy for the baby when we goes back to penang next week..i am quite excited really...to be able to buy all sorts of things for the baby..hmmm..i want to buy pinky stuff but not all pink...but zulffi said better to be safe to buy other colors 1st...heheh..we had this list of things to buy..thank God for all the websites that supply the list n info actually...thank God we have this technology...hehehe....so far life had been serene...but I started to get this SOb each time I eat..i cant seems to be able to eat much...to finins the usual amunt of rice i ate would surely make me gasping afterwards..huhu..esp during dinner..i am not able to read the Quran after mgrib prayers without feeling like a fish out of the water..huhuhu..some of this changes really makes me wonder what ummi went tru during my prgnncy..huhu...insaf,insaf...

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