i have always been a careless person...i usually forget to switch off the iron, if i cooked sumtg n left it to boiled, I i will forget bout it n then cos the pot to to be burnt..I usually misplaced my things, my keys...if I do somnething, I never double check it...
But the most important things like documents, I never take for granted as my dad had instilled in me, the most important things such as documents, bank books etc, U have to put it in one place so its easy for u to find it in emergency or need.. so since I started working, I put all my certs, birth cert, even my marriage cert I put it in a file..I still have all those pay slips since I started working and all the letter from since Im working in UKM that I save for usage later...even all my past license renewal that already expired, I still have...
being married To Zulffi who is a VERY CAREFUL, TEDIOUS, PARTICULAR about things person makes my carelessness lessen as I had to ensure that double check every thing I do as he doesn't like the outcomes of carelessness..If I take something of him, I have to makesure that I put it where its taken..If I didnt switch off the iron, he will start another lecture on safety, wasting etc..So in a good way, it does makes me a better person..Thank u Allah for pairing me up with him...
since Monday, I have been having this itch to clean up n tidy up...so yesterday morning, I received a check and I was tidying up my desk.throwing away old unrelevant papers, old bills, etc...and I was quite a zombie most of the time this past few weeks as I had to replaced my colleague who's on maternity leaves, with 4 days a week clinic,4 of her wards and 4 of my own...I was often tired n out of my usual attentive trait..a zombie sometimes or kind of a robot..functioning to the minimal..esp during counselling pt..as a dietitian, what's tiring is ..talking a lot..sumtimes 5 pt wth the same problems...huhu
later on that evening, I had a stdnt presentation..when I found that my check was not in my bag..I rushed back to my office and couldnt found it...I was rummaging tru my desk, my file...nada..zero...n I remembered the papers that I thrown away..the cleaner already collected it not more than 30minutes ago..I called the cleaner, but they have thrown it away to this guy who always waiting everyday for the rubbish, and he already goes...so, there goes my check worth lots with the rubbish...
all this while, this is the biggest mistakes I did....when I told zulffi, he, being the meticulous person said, " If u are throwing away rubbish or papers, make sure u double or triple check that u didnt thrown away the important things...make 2 piles of papers, the one u wanna keep, the one wanna throw...always double check....never take for granted of things..always double check..." hmm....tru tru...
yerp..my carelessness cost me lots...sob sob sob....
PS; feels like kicking my own chin for my stupidity and carelessness..
i dont blame u..its a normal thing that most mommies yg ada berjuta things to think of akan selalu face..or pernah face....
ReplyDeletedont beat urself badly.. :D
aku pun kaki pelupa...dari kecik..huhuh
ReplyDeletekalo badan dah letih & terpaksa pulak mengemas, memang boleh ter'over-look' perkara2 @ dokumen penting...