Thursday, May 29, 2008

week 35: luving him soooo much

This is day number 245 and you're 35 weeks pregnant!You have 35 days or 5 weeks left, and are 87.5% of the way there.Baby's age since conception is 231 days or 33 weeks.

Fetal Development
Your baby weighs about 5.5 pounds and will continue to gain about half a pound per week until you deliver. He or she stretches out to 20.25 inches as it approaches full term. Stem cells in the bone marrow continue to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to maintain a healthy immune system, but there is not really any development remaining for arms, legs, brain or organs. Your baby will simply continue to grow in size as it readies for its big debut.


tgal a few more weeks to go..I really am excited but scared a bit.. lately I cant seems to stop countig down the days till my due date..I cant seem to stop wanting to eat that n this, or goes here n there...its like Im trying to cram evrytg in this final life as a mum to be..anytg could happen during labour, anytg could happen in this final month...just doa spya suma akan InsyAllah ok dan slmt...bnyak yg perlu disettlekan sblum aku deliver..kejer ofuis, research aku, SKT tgh thun, nak lepaskan pt2 di wad, nak bli baju n tdg raya, tmph bju raya, brg2 nak guna ms pntg, kmas brg2 utk bslin..bnyak tak ckup ms je...=(

n lately I seems to want to be soooo near zulffi n cuddle him, hug him, kiss him more frequently...its like Im craving for his attention only for this final months n weeks..bcoz after this, his love, his attention would be split into n the slgi boleh aku nak kasih dan syg dia hnya ttumpu utk aku seorg sahaja...bila shri tak spend ms dgn dia rs lonely n sunyi sgt...bila dia usap2 perut n kiss perut aku, aku rs happy n bhgia sgt..bila bby tndg n gerak2 n tgn dia diletakkan atas perut aku, berkgsi merasakan rs yang sama, buat aku rs content dan disygi..kdg2 act nya kcil dan bsahaja ttp buat aku trasa bhgia yg amat...mgkin sb itu aku sntiasa mahu bsama dia, bkgsi dan trus mnyemai bnih kasih ini...

tpi bila tfikir kdgkala kmgkinan yg bakal tjdi buat aku sdih n sayu...maybe aku paranoid pk bkn2 but ntah knapa aku sllu merasakan yg mcm time aku limited skrg...hmm...napa ya?adakah aku paranoid n rasa tak bsdia nak jdi ibu?hmmm aku pun taktahu..just cant stop pk yg bukan2....aku tak bgtau zulffi sb aku tak nak dia marah n sdih aku ckp yg bkn2 n aku tak nak ia jdi doa aku lbih sng utk snyap dan pndamkan.....hmmmmphhhh...i luv himmm soooo much...kdg kala rs tak ckup pkataan nak aku bgtau apa yg aku rs..wpun bila laut mcm pasang dan surut, bergelora, aku ttp sygkan dan cintakan dia spnuh hati aku...spnjng 8 bulan ni dia mmg amik berat sgt psl diri aku dan jaga aku btul2...apa aku nak, nak mkn esp dia akan cuba tunaikan...dia mudahkan khdpn aku shrian spnjng aku mgndg...tak bnyak kerenah dia esp bab mkn...cuma aku yg kdg2 buat prgi mrajuk n trasa hati tah papa..hmmm..hormon?maybe...or mmg aku mengada..hahahah..apa2 pun, tq sayang jaga qay n sygkan qay spnuh hati syg.....luv u sooo mucho mucho........

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