since I'm pregnant, I often had this cravings of certain foods n snack, kuih or watever....sometimes it is impossible to get the thing that I want or eat like Laksa Din in Kedah..Had to wait till March to go back to Kedah n eat my all time fave since I was a small girl...
my mum usually would ask before she came to Kb or before I goes back to Bertam what do I want to eat..she would try as hard as she can to fulfill watever I feel like eating..she will bake it for me my fave choc cake, find Ikan terubuk which I really was craving for it...she cooks all kind of fd that is my fave..huhu..luv u sooo mum....even my frens Hajra, El, Cik Azi, will try to accomodate to my cravings if I feel like to eat sumtg..last months, when I went back to Titi Gajah, I told maktok I felt like eating Pulut kacau n ikan bakar...she cooked it with my aunties n bought 3kg of Ikan kembung to feed all of especially...huhu..terharuunyaaaa...My darling zulffi of course is the one who will try to find as hard as he can what I feel like saying..for that I am truly grateful n love him sooo much......
and this past few days, Ive been craving to eat Sate Kajang Hj I want it soooo much....the taste of sate n the delicious kuah kacang just makes my saliva ready to I it soooo bad...I told Iwa n she suggested that next week when I go to Kl, I tke the komuter to Bangi n she will bring me to Sate Kjang...then today I put the status "Nak sate Kajangggg!!!" Along lailina IM me n offer if she can find a courier service that can send n arrive on the same day, she will send some of sate Kajang to touched I am by the thought actually...eventhough it may be impossible but the thought just makes my heart flutter....
How truly bless I am with such frens n families...luv u guysssss
Love is not about finding the right person,but creating the right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build till the end…..
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
my 20th weeks

Im nearing the 2nd half of my journey towards motherhood I guess...the waistline is getting bigger..I cannot fit into my jeans, pants, even the largest I had..zulffi seems to love loking at my huge growing stomach..he would usually kiss it early in the morning or when he came home in the evening...he said 'kising my babies'...i love it when he stroked my stomach n talked to the baby....this baby is bringing us much closer than ever..I can see that he really loves me very much with his ways..he doesnt really say it all the time but the way he shows it I know, that his love for me is deepper.....he massaged by back n feet when I complain of backache or sore feet, he bought me fruits that he knows I like to eat, he helped me around the house, helping me did all the hard jobs...I love him so much..if I even mentioned it one time only that I want to eat sumthing, he would tried to find eat or just bought it for me..even if we went to the market he would asked what do I feel like eating..all the simple things makes me love him so n day more everyday...I started to get easily tired..esp on workdays..usually I felt sleepy just around 8 or 9 pm...huhuu... my wt had increase up to 54kg...the most usually I was is around 48-49kg..which makes me feels so traumatized when I wt myself..sumtimes just feels like dont want to eat, but I cant!!! I would feel hungry...even if I just take a light snack or dinner, I would feel my stomach grumbling before I went to I just had to eat..I guess my baby really likes to eat or is it just me excuses that I am prgnnt to eat watever my heart desires..huhuu...I had to watch my wt....Im a dietitian..supposedly I know how to cntrol wat I eat...huhuu..poor me... n started last week, I think I started to feel my baby moving...the 1st time was while Im in the meeting, while my bos was blabbering about god knows wat..!suddenly I felt this thudding sensations in my stomach...once, twice..then it stopped..then I felt it again...I dont know wat it was..but I wish to believe its my baby saying, he had enuff of the 'leteran' for the day..ahhahaha..well mummy tooooo dear...but its mummy's job to listen to whatever he wants to say....huhuhuhu =) later that nite, i felt it again..but when zulffi put his hand on my stomch it time dear...but Im feeling teh sensation more just makes my heart soars n happy....hehehe...the day after tomorrow is my 2nd ANC apmnt..hope to be able to do another u baby!!be a good boy/girl ok...mummy loves u!!!!muahss
since pregnant, I didnt have any morning sickness or vomitting..just occasional nausea esp when I smell raw chicken..this one time, I walk tru the chicken section at the market, the smell of the chicken + blood was so strong that I suddenly was swept away with the feelings of nausea so strong that I nearly vomit there n then..I had to get away from the scene...oohhh..cant stand that...since then, zulffi always take the place of cleaning up the chicken after we went to the market which is so considerate n thoughful of him...luv u sayang...then, during my 7weeks of my prgnancy, I had a spotting of blood which makes me so terrified of losing the afraid..I had to do an ultrasound to make sure its not a threatened abortion..but the ultrasound was normal..the baby was so small,it look likes the size of a nut in sac..hehe..cant believe that is my baby to be...I had 2 days off for complete bed rest..huhuu..well, a week before, we had this HARI WARGA STAF which I had enlisted to join before I knew I was prgnant..since that I knew I was prgnnt, I asked Cam to replace i had to tell her that I am prgnant..heheh..I planned to keep quiet for a while..but the need arise...thank God I didnt join the sports game if not, the risk would be higher of losing the baby... I still feel like Im not prgnnat as I dont have the usual morning sickness,vomiting,nausea prgnnat lady's had..I had to remind myself again n again to slow down, not to lift up heavy things n takecre of wat I eat n drink..I had to stop taking all of the potato chips, medications that I usually had, stop drinking cafeinated drinks...zulffi also keep buying all sorts of fruits n keep remind me to eat fruit n vege a lot with my folic acid tablets...EL n Hajra also keep reminding me to take care of wat i eat n slow down while walking as i tend to forget easily..well,I am prgnnat, but my stomach still doesnt show n I dont feel takes a while for the knowledge to sink in I guess....
then at 10th weeks, I had this feels so painful...I had to take some antibiotics n horrible pottasium sumtg to clean up my urine..urghhhh..I nearly gag drinking that thing.... my rashes on the left arms n right legs get worse...usually I only take betnovate cream to rub on it..but since I'm prgnnant, I had stoped for a while until I couldnt stand it anymore that I apply the cream only a tiny bit..huhu...had it itched so much..feels like scratching till it bleed....its just get worse that normally..everybody said its the prgnncy symptom..huhu..had to be patience....
then last week during my 19th weeks, I had this I dont know what to call it..tiny red spots on my started with my left hand n spread to the right hand n feets..its so itchy...if I started to touch it or scratch it, its get itchier n hands was swollen n warm which lead to be more sweaty...which makes it more parents came from mum told me to soak my hands n feets in warm water with salt n sum ASAM helps a takes about 2weeks for the spot to disappear....
n the week before that I had this one frightening athma attack..I was alone at home .zulffi was at work..I took a nap in the afternoon for a while when I suddenly woke up with a fright that I cannot breath..I was suffocating, I cannot breath normally..I tried to call zulffi but he was unreachable...I started to panic..found my inhaler but it just doenst work..then zulffi called n I told him...He rushed home n brought me to the hosp where I had the treatment...well, I ate 5nos of oranges before that n I swept the floor under the bed which was quite must trigger the attack I guess...poor me...huhuu...its only been 20 weeks but a lot had happened between that...another 20 to go...
then at 10th weeks, I had this feels so painful...I had to take some antibiotics n horrible pottasium sumtg to clean up my urine..urghhhh..I nearly gag drinking that thing.... my rashes on the left arms n right legs get worse...usually I only take betnovate cream to rub on it..but since I'm prgnnant, I had stoped for a while until I couldnt stand it anymore that I apply the cream only a tiny bit..huhu...had it itched so much..feels like scratching till it bleed....its just get worse that normally..everybody said its the prgnncy symptom..huhu..had to be patience....
then last week during my 19th weeks, I had this I dont know what to call it..tiny red spots on my started with my left hand n spread to the right hand n feets..its so itchy...if I started to touch it or scratch it, its get itchier n hands was swollen n warm which lead to be more sweaty...which makes it more parents came from mum told me to soak my hands n feets in warm water with salt n sum ASAM helps a takes about 2weeks for the spot to disappear....
n the week before that I had this one frightening athma attack..I was alone at home .zulffi was at work..I took a nap in the afternoon for a while when I suddenly woke up with a fright that I cannot breath..I was suffocating, I cannot breath normally..I tried to call zulffi but he was unreachable...I started to panic..found my inhaler but it just doenst work..then zulffi called n I told him...He rushed home n brought me to the hosp where I had the treatment...well, I ate 5nos of oranges before that n I swept the floor under the bed which was quite must trigger the attack I guess...poor me...huhuu...its only been 20 weeks but a lot had happened between that...another 20 to go...
1st ANC apmnt

today was the 1st apmnt at ANC(ante natal clinic)..i WAS VERY EXCITED about the whole 1st check up...cant wait to see the ultrasound of my baby..zulffi is coming to accompany me...I had to take the usual 1st time mothers test, urine test, blood test, answer all the questions...currently Im 16 weeks happy n content with my life...I'm not having any morning sickness or alergies..I can eat pretty well n good...compared to my collegues who has a bad morning sickness...lucky me..Thank U happy for the gift...I can eat wat ever I want..watever I said I feel like eating, zulffi will try to buy it or take me to thoughtful of him so much..esp now... we did the ultrasound...I can see the baby head n heart beating..its like a light blinking on n cute..we didnt ask the Dr for the baby pict coz we thought she would print it n stick it in my crushed that I didnt have the picture of the baby..but watever it is, Im so happy that I haev seen the pict of my baby...huhuhu..
today was the 1st apmnt at ANC(ante natal clinic)..i WAS VERY EXCITED about the whole 1st check up...cant wait to see the ultrasound of my baby..zulffi is coming to accompany me...I had to take the usual 1st time mothers test, urine test, blood test, answer all the questions...currently Im 16 weeks happy n content with my life...I'm not having any morning sickness or alergies..I can eat pretty well n good...compared to my collegues who has a bad morning sickness...lucky me..Thank U happy for the gift...I can eat wat ever I want..watever I said I feel like eating, zulffi will try to buy it or take me to thoughtful of him so much..esp now... we did the ultrasound...I can see the baby head n heart beating..its like a light blinking on n cute..we didnt ask the Dr for the baby pict coz we thought she would print it n stick it in my crushed that I didnt have the picture of the baby..but watever it is, Im so happy that I haev seen the pict of my baby...huhuhu..
Sunday, February 3, 2008
the day that I knew you....

27th october 2007
Dear Baby,
I have this one nagging thought in my mind... not sure whether its true or not...I want to share this feelings with others but I am not sure of it yr..maybe its false alarm..but I will wait till next week or so before I check...then after that maybe Ill decide to tell others or not..heheh..I'm 3 days late but I'm not sure yet...Im usually never been late before....maybe its true...mmm..we'll wait for a few days...but if its true..Im so glad...gonna go to Watson on the way home today n bought the kit...hehehe
30 Oct 2007
Dear Baby,
i woke up in the middle of the nite..I have this feelings that I need to do that test..Its been a week late..eventhough I havent done the test yet, but I am so sure of it..I just knew...deep inside my heart, I knew u are growing inside me..maybe its the mother's instinct....I guess...hahah,I woke up n done the test..I didnt wear my glasses so i had to read twice to make sure Im doing the rite way...I excitedly did the test , then wait patiently for the the result....N when I saw the two lines appeared, I cant stand the happiness n the warm feelings that swam tru my mind n body...Im pregnant...Im having a bby..Oh My God..We're having a baby...I am so happy...I take wudhuk n solat Tahajud n Hajat sujud Sykur on the blessings n gift that He gave to me n Abah...Ur Abah seems to sleep so soundly..never realised that I have woke n left the bedroom..eventhough i really want to wake him up n share the good news with him, I let him sleep..It can wait for a while..just 4 more hours...I put the pregnancy kit box on the sink..I know he will come in to wash his hands from his hair gel in the morning..he will see it later...I went back to sleep, holding him tight, feeling this tight n happy feelings in my heart...OH MY GOSH!!! IM HAVING A BABY!!!!..I slept with a smile in my face....
As I woke n pray at 6am, I waited with this nervous feelings in my stomach...As he went into the toilet to wash his hands as he always done, I tried to busy myself ironing the clothes to work with butterflies in my stomach...cant wait for him to see the kit...As he started to walk out from the toilet, he saw the box of the kit n he asked me.."what is this?" I said " jus read n see it for urself.." He read the instructions n opened the box, when he saw the stick with 2 lines, he asked me.."what does it mean?" I said..."u think??" he smiled so broadly n said " we're having a baby???" I smiled n said" YES" he comes out n jumped up n down chiming "Im gonna be a daddy..Im gonna be a daddy..." I laughed at his respons..He hug me n pick me up n swing me around....I laughed so hard n tears come to my eyes..Im so happy..we're having you.....hehehe
As I went to my office n did my daily routine, I knew I had to have the official check I went to the staff clinic n did the Urine the whole time, I was smiling alone..savouring the good feelings I felt..when the doctors confirmed that I am prgnntn n the nurses congratulate me, I feel like soaring tru the sky n shouting to the whole world that Im having UUUUU!!!!!!....I hurriedly went back to the office n saw my bestfren, ur Aunty Hajra...I said to her.. " I have sumtg to tell you..." "what?" she asked. " U are prgnant??" She said...I just laugh n nod. she screamed n laughed so happy by the gud we call ur Aunty El to come n met us at our office... the Aunty Hajra told her....we were laughing n smiling n talking at excited by the news....I called Ur Abah n told him the doctors confirmation...he just Said the news...afterwards when the situation had calmed down, I called ur Pak Njang 'Ammar in Korea n told him the good news...he also was soooo happy..he said, no wonder he had dreamt of babies a few days before n he was thinking about baby clothes...then I called Maklang Kauthar n told her the news...she was ecstatic..she screamed n laughed so hard n she sounded like she wanna cry for being so happy...huhuhu...everybody is so glad by the news... I called by bestfrens, Dila,Dura, Normie, Hainey n tell them the good news...hahaha...but for the time being, Im just telling some of the closest frens first...just want to keep the secrets n savour the news to myself for awhile, to let the facts sink to my head n heart that Im having a bby..but all in all, I am so happy of the unexpected news...we didnt plan n hoping for u yet this yr, but we are glad by the rezki....We know when we conceive u....A good day..a day of celebrations...a good time to be having u....Alhamdulillah...In my sujud, I thank Allah for the gift n blessings....
Later on that evening, me n Abah went out to break our fast at KBmall.Then we went to Mama Tok House so break the news to her n Maksu NINI...both of them were really happy n glad to hear the news of course...I tried to call your Tok Ummi to tell the news to her n Tok Wan...but Tok Ummi was not at home...later that night, I slept with a warm feelings n happiness that only God happy to have u in our live sayang...
the next morning, I called Tok Ummi after subuh to tell her the news...She was very happy n so thrilled..she said, earlier that month, Tok Wan was looking at baby's Cot n said that if we had a baby, he would buy it for the baby..Tok Umi said, maybe when everytg is good n evryone is ready n talking n wanting a baby into the family, Allah granted the wishes as He see its the right time n moment...Subhanallah..He really knows whats best for His creation....He had been planting the feelings n wanting in me n Abah since Ramdhan about babies n little kids..He has been making me thinking n remembering the sweetness n cuteness of a baby...maybe He has planned it slowly as He see fits us...Thank You Allah for the beautiful gift You have given us......welcome to us my dear baby!
Dear Baby,
I have this one nagging thought in my mind... not sure whether its true or not...I want to share this feelings with others but I am not sure of it yr..maybe its false alarm..but I will wait till next week or so before I check...then after that maybe Ill decide to tell others or not..heheh..I'm 3 days late but I'm not sure yet...Im usually never been late before....maybe its true...mmm..we'll wait for a few days...but if its true..Im so glad...gonna go to Watson on the way home today n bought the kit...hehehe
30 Oct 2007
Dear Baby,
i woke up in the middle of the nite..I have this feelings that I need to do that test..Its been a week late..eventhough I havent done the test yet, but I am so sure of it..I just knew...deep inside my heart, I knew u are growing inside me..maybe its the mother's instinct....I guess...hahah,I woke up n done the test..I didnt wear my glasses so i had to read twice to make sure Im doing the rite way...I excitedly did the test , then wait patiently for the the result....N when I saw the two lines appeared, I cant stand the happiness n the warm feelings that swam tru my mind n body...Im pregnant...Im having a bby..Oh My God..We're having a baby...I am so happy...I take wudhuk n solat Tahajud n Hajat sujud Sykur on the blessings n gift that He gave to me n Abah...Ur Abah seems to sleep so soundly..never realised that I have woke n left the bedroom..eventhough i really want to wake him up n share the good news with him, I let him sleep..It can wait for a while..just 4 more hours...I put the pregnancy kit box on the sink..I know he will come in to wash his hands from his hair gel in the morning..he will see it later...I went back to sleep, holding him tight, feeling this tight n happy feelings in my heart...OH MY GOSH!!! IM HAVING A BABY!!!!..I slept with a smile in my face....
As I woke n pray at 6am, I waited with this nervous feelings in my stomach...As he went into the toilet to wash his hands as he always done, I tried to busy myself ironing the clothes to work with butterflies in my stomach...cant wait for him to see the kit...As he started to walk out from the toilet, he saw the box of the kit n he asked me.."what is this?" I said " jus read n see it for urself.." He read the instructions n opened the box, when he saw the stick with 2 lines, he asked me.."what does it mean?" I said..."u think??" he smiled so broadly n said " we're having a baby???" I smiled n said" YES" he comes out n jumped up n down chiming "Im gonna be a daddy..Im gonna be a daddy..." I laughed at his respons..He hug me n pick me up n swing me around....I laughed so hard n tears come to my eyes..Im so happy..we're having you.....hehehe
As I went to my office n did my daily routine, I knew I had to have the official check I went to the staff clinic n did the Urine the whole time, I was smiling alone..savouring the good feelings I felt..when the doctors confirmed that I am prgnntn n the nurses congratulate me, I feel like soaring tru the sky n shouting to the whole world that Im having UUUUU!!!!!!....I hurriedly went back to the office n saw my bestfren, ur Aunty Hajra...I said to her.. " I have sumtg to tell you..." "what?" she asked. " U are prgnant??" She said...I just laugh n nod. she screamed n laughed so happy by the gud we call ur Aunty El to come n met us at our office... the Aunty Hajra told her....we were laughing n smiling n talking at excited by the news....I called Ur Abah n told him the doctors confirmation...he just Said the news...afterwards when the situation had calmed down, I called ur Pak Njang 'Ammar in Korea n told him the good news...he also was soooo happy..he said, no wonder he had dreamt of babies a few days before n he was thinking about baby clothes...then I called Maklang Kauthar n told her the news...she was ecstatic..she screamed n laughed so hard n she sounded like she wanna cry for being so happy...huhuhu...everybody is so glad by the news... I called by bestfrens, Dila,Dura, Normie, Hainey n tell them the good news...hahaha...but for the time being, Im just telling some of the closest frens first...just want to keep the secrets n savour the news to myself for awhile, to let the facts sink to my head n heart that Im having a bby..but all in all, I am so happy of the unexpected news...we didnt plan n hoping for u yet this yr, but we are glad by the rezki....We know when we conceive u....A good day..a day of celebrations...a good time to be having u....Alhamdulillah...In my sujud, I thank Allah for the gift n blessings....
Later on that evening, me n Abah went out to break our fast at KBmall.Then we went to Mama Tok House so break the news to her n Maksu NINI...both of them were really happy n glad to hear the news of course...I tried to call your Tok Ummi to tell the news to her n Tok Wan...but Tok Ummi was not at home...later that night, I slept with a warm feelings n happiness that only God happy to have u in our live sayang...
the next morning, I called Tok Ummi after subuh to tell her the news...She was very happy n so thrilled..she said, earlier that month, Tok Wan was looking at baby's Cot n said that if we had a baby, he would buy it for the baby..Tok Umi said, maybe when everytg is good n evryone is ready n talking n wanting a baby into the family, Allah granted the wishes as He see its the right time n moment...Subhanallah..He really knows whats best for His creation....He had been planting the feelings n wanting in me n Abah since Ramdhan about babies n little kids..He has been making me thinking n remembering the sweetness n cuteness of a baby...maybe He has planned it slowly as He see fits us...Thank You Allah for the beautiful gift You have given us......welcome to us my dear baby!
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