saya dtg dpd famly yang ramai...7 adik beradik smuanya... saya anak sulung dlm famly, cucu kedua famly blah ayah sy kcil2 dahulu saya yg sllu jd leader utk sepupu dan adik2 saya.. ala2 big boss gitu..uhu...
sy mbesar dlm persekitaran yang tak pg tadika mcm bdk lain..but ummi sy homeschool umur 5 tahun saya kembali ke negeri kelahiran bersekolah di sana..di dalam kls saya, hanya ada sorg bdk arab dan yang lain non muslim..bila hari ahad, semua org pg ke church, ada sorg cikgu sy akan stay bsama sy dgn kawan arab saya tu d dalam tak igt nama sy igt mata dia sgt cntik...dan dia msti la sgt hensem skrg penah tya kenapa cikgu tak pergi church dan dia saya igt dia jawab "i dont believe in GOD" oh blur but bila sy besar bru sy phm cikgu sy tu ATheis,.hihi..
then tahun berikutnya sy kenal dan bkwn dgn sorg lg budak arab nama Sameerah..dan juga a few bdk perempuan yang lbih besar dpd saya..sorg tu org putih, Julie tak slh namanya dan sorg lg org jepun...dia ada adik lelaki nama tommy..penah skli tommy pukul saya dan sy ckp pd teacher " Miss, Tommy hit my tummy" hahaha...
ms d sn, abu saya sudah pesan...jgn mkn apa2 yg berdaging d kantin sekolah.dan ada a few foods yang boleh msih tringat terliur sgguh tgok diorg mkn burger daging...esp time winter..lapar2 dpt hot food..hihih..sllu ibu saya akan pg ke seklh bw lunch..if tak, kami akan pulang ke rumah atau kwn mak sy dtg ke igt ada kwn adik sy, nama Fatimah kot... abu dan umi sllu juga tggalkan sy d rmh diorg kalau ada program atau urusan... sy msih ingt..saya dan adik sy Tasneem sgt tkut pd ayah kawan sy tu...dia sgt garang..walaupun abu sy garang, ttp abu sy tak la garang mcm ayah kwn sy... dia penah letak saya atas almari baju yang tinggi nak smpi ke siling nya kami main permainan yang dia tak bg main... and a few times dia marah kami..and some incidence yang mmg buat sy tkut sgt nk ke sana.. bila sy dah besar macm ni baru sy sedar itu dah lbih kps kes abuse.. pernah abu sy tak dpt amik sy di sklh dan pesan suruh ikut dia makcik tu balik ke rumah... sy igt sy tipu makcik tu kata abu akan dtg amik ms lunch.. but then saya dan adik sy Tasneem ke rmh makcik2 bujang Malaysia ms ckp abu sy lmbt dtg n kami lapar..huhu sedih betul... sy igt mcik tu goreng telur mata n mkn dgn roti..sedapnyaaaaa.... n masa on the way nak blik ke slklh, kami dan mkcik tu bertembung dgn abu sy..terkjut abu tgok kami tak ikut mak Fatimah balik.... truk kami kn marah sb g bjalan sndri ke rmh makcik2 bujang tu... mujur tak hilang ke apa... bukan apa..kami takut dkt pkcik, ayah Fatimah tu.... scaryy.... hmmm... bnyk lg memori ms kcik...ada yg igt ada yg tak igt,,,but those adalah yg embedded in mind...
sbnrnya just nak ckp...kdg2 apa yg kita buatkan pd anak2 kita..bila kita mrh, kita pkul, kita tgking..kita tak sdr bnda tu akan bw effect pd anak kita bila besar.... ada ustaz kata, bila kita mrh pd anak, sbnrnya kita EGO sb kita tau anak tak boleh melawan..dia kcik..but if kita treat anak tu sama mcm kita treat org yg equal dgn kita atau org yg lbih tggi dpd kita...kita takkan marah pun anak2 kita...
sy tahu....saya yg skrg adalah hasil apa yg saya alami ms sy tak tipu kata, sy org yg garang dgn anak2 at times...dan ada ms sy sgt lmbut dan sabar dgn anak2. rmi org kata nak anak ramai... but bukan saya kot... saya takut utk pnya anak ramai sb sy rs sy tak mampu nak didik dan hasilkan anak2 yang baik2 mcm abumi sy buat ( mcm kata aku baik plak..uhu...) dgn zaman skrg yg sgt mcbr dan lain2... sy tkut sy tak mmpu mjdi ibu bapa yang baik mcm abumi sy buat....siyes... and then mgkin rsa sy pnat mjaga ms kcik2 sy kn jaga adik2 saya yang ramai dan buas itu..esp adik2 lelaki sy sgt pndi handle budak lelaki... agaknya sb tu Allah kasi anak laki dua org pd sy..if dpt ank prempuan.. pning juga sy.. bdk laki sng nak main...main car, block.bola..pnjt sana sini..hahaha...bdk perempuan...hmmm..main apa yaa...
tpi bila balik bertam baru ni ms kndri kwen adik sy, sronok dpt kumpul ramai2..bergelak tawa....tolong buat kja..walaupun ramai org bmkna bnyak peel yang harus di tempuhi, smuanya setel bila smua org sling backup membackup dan sy spt biasa guna kuasa veto sy utk slsikan apa2 isu berbgkit..hahaha... so sy rs nk tkr stetmen nak la juga anak ramai...koman2 5 org...boleh? but sy nak maid tlg buat keja rmh spya saya boleh tumpu msa utk anak2 saja....uhu..aminnnn...
YaAllah ,,engkau murahkan lah rezeki kami sekluarga agar kami sntiasa dlm keberkatan Mu...amin....
Dear *Pad,
Recently I read an article..oppss ...NO!! a bunch of them bout how you are effecting the kids and their mind's... And it really makes me worried about your effect on my most of the symptoms I have been seeing it in my kid..
Since u arrived in May, my 4 year old son has been slowly changing... from the sweet lil boy to this lil monster most of the time that makes me stressfull all the time..
so after much discussion, we decide to BANNED you from the HOUSE...'t be sad... yes.... I know you are a good make my jumping n running here n there non stop son into a quiet, well mannered, good boy who never makes or create problems when he was with you. He sat peacefully on the settee or in the room and interact with you,play with you, making ants work, or bake pizza or cakes or play with the Tom Cat with you.. .He clearly adore or love you sooo much that he throws tantrum and screams and cried when you are taken away from him that makes me feel like I am a bad mom.... I think he just throw tantrums so much bcause he knows that we will give you to him if he behaves afterwards.
But clearly my son need not just a babysitter who makes him behaves but he also need a parent or a mom...
well you know, a parent or a mom is someone that makes you do all the things that is good for you eventhough you dont like it.. like, eating healthy food, take showers, brush your teeth, take your nap, read your muqaddam and books, entertain you with books and arts and toys and others... hmmm well, you didn't do most of that works...
what?you said you make my son eat? yes yes..of cos you did...but he only eat a bit, just to fullfill the rules that he has to eat or he is not allowed to be with you..but did you see how much he ate? just 3 or 4 tablespoon..don't you see he is getting thinner and thinner esp after he known you?
and * Pad,
haven't you been hearing that he cries more frequently in the morning when he was waken up to go to school?well, that is because he didn't get enough sleep at night... well, he was with you till its late..he didn't take a nap in the afternoon because he was playing so much at the school..and when he came home,he played with you and you didn't make him go to bed early when he is tired enough physically ..well, you have soo much charms and so interesting that he refuse to sleep until you are pried from him...
yes.. I know, since I limit his time with you just for an hour in the evening and no playing with you at night, he has been sleeping a bit better, but then, he watched his dad played with you sometimes that he still sleeps late at the problems are not solved...
yes I know *pad,
its not totally your fault..its mine and his dad's too..we are so grateful to have you in the family to have you babysit our son so that we have some time for ourselves at night to read or watch movie or just to sleep early, that we left him to your care most of the time that he became addicted and too attached to you... Its our fault too that things got out of hands.. well, he didnt play with his blocks or lego or cars and trucks for quite a time unless you are not at home..he didn't spent time coloring books with me for a while now..he prefers to be with you than follow me out to play outside in the sun with his lil bro..that is how attached he is with you..havent you heard that he spent the previous weekands at Bertam playing with you instead of with his uncles that he loves soo much???...that is how attached he is with you...
so now, after nearly 2 months, I say, we had enuff of all these tantrums and misbehaviors that we dicided to make a stop to all of this...
so, for now, as I said before, YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE HOUSE!!!...
oh..yes.... can still come to the house, BUT if only you decided to leave all the games out of the door.
Well, Tab, you too...and so are you smartphones... well, if you want to put it in a locked folder and hide it from my intelligent son, you are welcome..but if you ever expose it to my son or let him played with you, you too are BANNED from the house... ARASSooo????
don't worry...I dont think that my son will miss much if you are not with him... well, he will grows up just fine I think without you eventhough you tell me you have all this n that apps that can make him more intelligent and brilliant and so on... But I grow up just fine without you before.... I think he wouldnt miss much...well, he can have it when he is much wiser n older...
Ok...enuff of you arguments and logics *Pad... my say is final... if you choose to avoid my rules...I will find ways to crash your system..yes I will..dont you think I dont know how..I will ask Uncle Google for help.. I have lots of IT person too...they can help me... scared? ok....
good bye now * Pad... so long..till we meet again... Yes,.. yes...until you decide to delete your games, you not welcome in home...
bye bye now... have a safe journey...